Welcome to the official site of the indie video game developer Pixelated-2!
Here you can see all my projects I've made along with all of the news about them too. Pretty cool right?


The Keith Shady LP

The newest album on my bandcamp, themed mostly around Eminem and his "The Slim Shady LP" which he released in 1999.
Unlike other albums, this one doesn't have any song features - though it does feature Ron in the only skit, which is midway through it.

this site is still being worked on lmao

check out the bandcamp page

i dont usually use soundcloud as much anymore but i probably will use it again eventually, but for now im uploading everything to bandcamp because its pretty cool and easy to use too and me saying this is ironic because right under this message is a soundcloud embed to the Better Call Keith theme that was never actually used for anything, also its sourced from the original version of Keith's Mixtape so thats cool


🛠️ 12/6/23: SITE UPDATE

🛠️ 17/5/23: SITE UPDATE

🛠️ 18/4/23: SITE CREATED